Pricing Table

This is Pricing Table

[perch_pricing_tables][perch_pricing_table button_text=”Add to Cart”]Duis turpis eros, tincidunt id tincidunt at, tempor a nisi.[/perch_pricing_table][perch_pricing_table button_text=”Add to Cart”]Duis turpis eros, tincidunt id tincidunt at, tempor a nisi.[/perch_pricing_table][perch_pricing_table button_text=”Add to Cart”]Duis turpis eros, tincidunt id tincidunt at, tempor a nisi.[/perch_pricing_table][/perch_pricing_tables]



This is Pricing Table

[perch_pricing_tables style=”2″][perch_pricing_table button_text=”Add to Cart”]Duis turpis eros, tincidunt id tincidunt at, tempor a nisi.[/perch_pricing_table][perch_pricing_table style=”featured” button_text=”Add to Cart”]Duis turpis eros, tincidunt id tincidunt at, tempor a nisi.[/perch_pricing_table][perch_pricing_table button_text=”Add to Cart”]Duis turpis eros, tincidunt id tincidunt at, tempor a nisi.[/perch_pricing_table][/perch_pricing_tables]